Twin Cities Orthopedics

Woodbury, MN

The building is home to one of the 190 health-care related businesses that make Woodbury a "Healthcare Destination." The functionality to allow such a diverse sub-set of uses to operate under one roof in such an aesthetically appealing building were necessary to make the project successful. This functional design enables patients to visit a single-source location for a variety of needs compared to the traditional model of going to multiple locations for urgent care,  rehab, prosthetics, athletic training, etc. Land area constraints induced a need for design efficiency in order to accommodate the various uses on this comparatively small and landlocked 4.2 acre parcel. To address this, we worked with the city to amend the existing PUD which had previously limited the site to single-story buildings in order to accommodate the density of this requirement. The site employs a rainwater recycling system for irrigation utilizing the adjacent pond and the building was designed with energy efficient systems, sustainable material selection, native landscaping choices and pervious soils, low-E glass, and healthy and environmentally-responsible design approaches to integrate sustainable development practices throughout.



50,300 sq. ft.


Medical Building


  • Development

  • Property Management

  • Site Coordination

  • Design

  • Construction